Friday, February 18, 2011

Real Time Review: Radiohead's "King of Limb's"

Well time to try something new. I am going to write about a new album that I got in real time, that means I am going to write about each songs as I listen and am going to stop as soon as the song it over. This will be interesting as it will capture my purely initial sentiment, which we result in a great comparison to my opinion a month later. That’s right this feature will have two parts that are a month apart. I think this more accurately recreates the feelings one has about a record. I may love it on first listen but a month later my have only listened to it three times, or inversely I could hate it on first listen and have listened to it 20 times in the past month and now love it. So lets start of with Radiohead’s newest release.

Kind of Limbs - Radiohead

1.) Bloom

Starts out promising enough with some weird noise and electronics chopping, using sparse bass notes to pierce through it…then the vocals come in and the delivery contrasts too much with the music for this to be enjoyable anymore. The long drawn out notes with the schizophrenic beat just seem amateur. This now some vocal “oohs”? These seem like they are from a different song. Though the Orchestral swell that follows is invigorating, and then back to the normal vocal delivery. I feel repulsed by this track, not surround by it like you do on Radiohead’s best songs. This sounds almost Art of Noise-esque, but not in a good way.

2.) Morning Mr. Magpie

Now this is better. The drive of the guitar lines and cymbal heavy drums is already intoxicating. The vocals are less drawn out but still have that elongated syllables that the singer favors. I already want to sing along as the synth effects swell. Then at the bridge we get a pretty cool break down with some killer bass as every instrument starts to build on the other. Really when it comes down to it this is a song I want to dance to, how ever awkward it would be. They got a small masterpiece in this song right here.

3.) Little by Little

Well this one has the cleanest instrumentation so far…But I am already annoyed by the percussion. It is way too prominent in the mix. OH THANK GOD it goes away at a minute in. Not I can talk about how much the rest of this song is good. Again it is “I want to dance” good. The simple guitar progression some neat effects that I think are reversed tracks. The effective use of panning sounds…I am having trouble writing because I am so enthralled, even if the annoying beat has come back. This song is very spacey and orchestral like late ELO.

4.) Feral

Ok Radiohead just made a dance record people. They wanted to put orchestral psychedelic experiments over dance beats and this is what they got. This may be the most interesting track so far, but that doesn’t make it good. I am really lost on this one. It is so thick that I am having trouble picking out specific interments and effects. DOES THIS SONG EVER END? It is only 2:45 in and it feels like 6 min. Come on only 10 seconds left 4. 3. 2. 1!

5.) Lotus Flower

This is more bearable but not exactly as good as track 2. The groove of this one and the vocals are much more intelligible then they were on the last track. Plus the bass line is pretty killer. Ok I am convinced that this is a good song. Again I am thinking of a darker ELO while listening to this, but with dance music and The Cure’s musical Jungle style thrown in. It is like House Music ate Jeff Lynne and Robert Smith.

6.) Codex

PROMINENT PIANO HO!!!! This one seems to be a nice change of pace. Way more atmospheric then anything else: I am already enthralled at barely a minute in. It is plodding but everything moves forward so elegantly and tastefully. Besides a little reverb and some menacing orchestration every now and then this is the most barebones production wise so far, and it is nice to get a breath of fresh air. I am going to actually stop typing and just listen to the rest…I think that is the best compliment a song could get in this feature. Why could the other songs be like this?

7.) Give Up the Ghost

Ooooh, we have a smooth transition from Codex to this with out a break; that makes me hopeful. They are using primarily acoustic guitar with some basic rhythms section? Excellent! Oh and the muffled backing vocal delivery of “Don’t Hurt Me” are haunting. Once again, why are the first 5 songs like dance tunes? This and Codex are what Radiohead is best at; atmosphere and pure emotional catharsis using clever orchestration.

8.) Separator

Well the beat is more danceable then the last two but the production leaves room to breathe. It looks like we have another winner here. Once again, why is the first 5/8th of the album these weird dance songs, with only Morning Mr. Magpie being good from the start? I mean the last 3 songs are pure perfection. I would have sung this album praises from the mountains as being as good, nay, BETTER then The Bends or OK Computer if the entire album was like these last three.

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